
This site is dedicated to the music of the American neo-folk singer/songwriter Rich DeVore.

Rich DeVore is a veteran American singer-songwriter, carrying the folk music tradition of the 1960s into the new century. Built on the bedrock of artists such as Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, Bob Dylan, and Paul Simon, Rich’s songs express the elemental joys and sorrows of being human.

This site collects Rich’s recording history of 5 CDs and 1 single of original music.

Rich has made MP3s of the music available for download from this site You can find downloads, album liner notes, and lyrics for all of the songs via the “Music” page.

Rich has also released a number of performance and lyric videos, which you can access on the “Videos” page.

Born in Los Angeles, California, Rich DeVore grew up steeped in the values and aspirations of the 1960s. After a short musical career in the 1970s, he left the music business for “normal life” and spent 30 years working and helping to raise a family.

As his family responsibilities lightened, he returned to music as an adult, singing and playing bass in a variety of bands in the Portland, Oregon area throughout the years from 2000 to 2015.

During this time, he found a new songwriting voice, which he has pursued as a singer/songwriter ever since. This songwriting voice is based on a full, well-lived life, with the attendant sorrows and regrets. It integrates compassion, hope, and a sense of world-weariness that comes with ageing.

Rich’s music looks forward and backward to try to make sense of the perpetually confusing present in which each of us lives.

This is music about the joys and sorrows of being a human being.

Peace and Love to all who hear these songs.

Contact: richdevore@gmail.com